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Diet Recomenations

We feed our dogs a raw food diet, which means we feed our dogs raw meat mixed with a little dog food. You can get raw meat scraps from a butcher, or when the pups are older you can just get chicken leg quarters from any grocery store. The dog food we use is Nutrisource. We use this combination for our dogs health. Raw meat improves your dogs lifespan and makes them healthier including their coat! Treats that we like to give our dogs include raw carrots, and chicken feet (I know it may sound disturbing , but trust me they LOVE them!)

Here is a link to learn more about the raw food diet health benefits.

Potty training recomendations

Potty training a puppy can sometimes be difficult so here are some tips and tricks that we have used! Take the puppy out to go potty every 30 min. Hang a bell on the door and ring it every time you take your puppy out, this is very effective and the puppy will start ringing the bell on its own to let you know he/she wants to go out!



We recomend (especially if you are getting a large breed puppy) to get a kennel with a divider in it that can be moved as the pup grows. Putting a blaket over the kennel helps the pup not to be as anxious, a long with giving them a raw bone to chew on!

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